This email from Peter Kjome, former President and CEO of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, to the members of the orchestra was sent the exact same minute my EEOC charge first hit the press. It has been obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.
The Washington Post broke the story here.
The next day, another woman came forward about comments Jonathan Carney made about her when she was a student.
Peter T. Kjome is now President and CEO of the Phoenix Symphony.
The WaPo article is paywalled... (I cancelled my WaPo sub b/c eff Bezos.)
Thanks for this, Katherine, and I’m so sorry for what you did go and are going through with these harassments. I love being part of you having “rallied your buddies” for support: it’s a comical vision, yet I hope also comforting.
There’s a link in the Comments to a fascinating Opinion piece about a high school rape — in Ch 4 the writer addresses why people victim-blame and/or turn a blind eye to the predation.
(Just FYI I’m letting my WaPo subscription expire in Sept. after the Winnett scare and Bezos on-going threat.)