It. never. stops. KN -- thanks for keeping the flow of this atrocious information going. I hope that people SEE it and things dramatically change starting right now. power to you and all women musicians.

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I agree that Robyn Black is a fabulous player - and I don’t usually use superlatives like that. Choosing anyone over her if she was available and willing to serve as adjunct faculty does seem like a questionable call. The UWM music department does have a history of keeping its distance from the Milwaukee Symphony, though - there are only three full-time MSO musicians serving as adjunct UWM faculty. And Robyn is still shockingly young to be the great player that she is; I can imagine that might have been a factor as well.

Currently there is no one listed on the UWM music department faculty page as tuba instructor.

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Currently it looks like Mark Hoelscher, a bass trombonist, is running the trombone, euphonium, and tuba studios, at least according to their website. https://uwm.edu/arts/directory/hoelscher-mark/

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